Friday 4 December 2015

Interview with Piotr Cielebiaś - author of "UFOs over Poland. The Land of High Strangeness"

"I think that the scheme must change. In other words, ufologists and UFO enthusiasts should pay less attention to individual cases and focus on the analysis of the phenomenon as a whole" - says Piotr Cielebiaś - author of "UFOs over Poland..." in interview with another well known Polish ufologist Arek Miazga.

Arek Miazga (born 1976) is Polish ufologist, publicist and writer from Ropczyce - one of the most experienced UFO researchers in Poland. In his work he focusses mainly on his home Sub-Carpathian region dubber "Polish UFO Pole". In late November 2015 Arek published his detailed book "UFO over Sub-Carpathia" ("UFO nad Podkarpaciem").